Susanna Sutus
Painter, Children's Book Author & Illustrator
I was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary. Ever since I was a child I've been interested in arts and artists. In 1998 I moved to Canada with my family, my husband and two children. I had many challenges in the first few years. Finding myself, reaching the desire that was in my heart led me to fine art. One occasion someone gave me a canvas easel and it was a sign to start. As a student of Fine Arts I found what I've been looking for all of my life, to be an illustrator, painter artist. I continued my studies at George Brown College in Toronto and I studied life drawing, illustration and cartooning. A few years later I continued my additional art studies in Children's book illustration. My passion is creating art for children, I love drawing and painting. I developed my skills as a mural artist for several years. I attended numerous art shows and home exhibitions. I have worked with talented artists who have inspired me to become a better artist myself. At the present moment, I find that drawing is the root of all visual arts. My current passion is illustrating children's books which have developed into another dimension of making real life moments. Various stages in my career gave me knowledge and experience of the art world. I feel grateful to be able to create art and enrich the lives of people.

“I believe that painting my dreams is healing my soul and more than that, it is healing for people. Every idea has been created to reflect a moment and in that moment you feel nature, sound, colour, with the combination of all your senses. It gives a feeling of hope, love, compassion and goodness. If I can give something back to this world through my art work, than I have accomplished something good and I’m grateful for it.”